
Apex Hearing and Speech Clinic in Baroda is dedicated to assisting children and adults, who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, to fully integrate into a hearing world. We are here to help enhance the quality of a child's life by improving their ability to communicate and relate with their family and their peers, so that they may reach their full potential. With the use of advanced hearing aids and intensive auditory training and Auditory-Verbal therapy we teach children, who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Additionally, adults, who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, are re-introduced to a world of sound when they come to us for hearing aid fitting and cochlear implants.


We are aware that right assessment at the right time can help us overcome the challenge to restore hearing and speech ability of the individual. To achieve this we have advanced technologies and therapies which are designed for the betterment of the individual. With state of the art equipment like AEP/BERA we are able to match international quality standards in clinical practice of audiology and speech pathology. We work in coordination to give 100% result by offering care to our clients and help them overcome their problems.

Hearing Aid in Baroda Services

Dedicated Services




Happy Patients



Why People Choose Us?

We offer extensive medical services for our patients recommend.